Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christimas!! and my year end review...

Ok so here is the my year end review....what was this year about? what what have a learned? what will I change about myself? what can help others do the same?...
Well for one is that I have a great life...try to concentrate on the good things. Like that I have a great network of people that love me. That my friends are amazing! Maria and Judy are my sisters as well as Claudia and Melissa. That I'm blessed to have all of them in my life.We don't stay in constant contact necessarily but when we do communicate it's like no time has gone on. We start fresh every time. Don't take for granted that you work or where you work. So this we moved from branch...I miss it. I can't go get a snack when I want to anymore! So that is the only thing that will stay the same is that time will continue and change. Its cool I'm growing. That it's ok to try something new, especially if it will benefit your family (ebay). I'm gonna keep going with that because my plan is to get out of debt and to continue my school. I have wasted too much time already. It's time to finish what I started.  I feel like next year I want to go back to school and start a new hobby like dance or something. I'm not sure we shall see... But this year was cool I learned a lot. I took my mom on a cruise and she LOVED it. I liked that because that shows her how much I love her and appreciate her. Hopefully I can take her on a cruise in 2017 as well but this time I want to take her on a 7 day. That would be awesome. So there wasn't any epiphany this year just more of the same. But I'm happy, that I'm health and that my mom is healthy and that maybe soon my house will be filled with more people and family.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

My theme song....

I love this song!! I could say that does describe this time in my life...

Monday, November 28, 2016

My new hobby...

So my new thing is being an Ebay seller. I sell clothing on ebay now...I know Im all over the place. But I just needed to do something else to make extra income. Plus its cool cause I get to so something I love which is shop but then something else I love which is making money. I have goals and I'm hoping to get out of debt using this platform. I have invested a lot into learning these new skills. Im actaully surprised that I haven't done this before. Anyways I'm going to have to update you later about how its going. Ttyl, Xiomara

Friday, November 4, 2016

Trying something New to me...

So I'm sure I have expressed MANY times my desire to leave my job but as we all know I have bills. I am responsible for the mortgage and car and insurance and light and telephone and cell phone among some other stuff. So leaving my job just isn't an option. So I have starting taking the steps to just make a little extra money on the side with eBay. It started because I saw some videos on YouTube about some people doing just that . In particular Nicole States. She made a video that caught my attention because she called it something like how I left my corporate job and went full time with eBay and made 108k in my first year. She tells her story about how she left her job because of one of her kids and how later her husband lost his job and then they both dedicated them self to eBay. I find it to be an amazing story because it could happen to anyone. One day you have a stable job or so you think but then in a blink of an eye you could be handed a pink slip. But they made the best of it and now they are really happy because he is doing what he loves and she loves what she is doing as well. Anyways I love that when I hear about people that are happy following their dreams. It makes me believe that I can do the same. Well so I do have a dream which is to get out of debt, not that it's a crazy amount it's just the normal like I said it's mostly my house. But I think about how much happier I would be if I was debt free! OMG! not only that if I could do it part time. And make sure I write down my mistakes so that I could share them so other people don't make them. Anyways. so all this blog came about because I sold my first shirt on eBay today. It was so cool to see that it say so and so sold and now it's time to ship. Anyways I feel like this might change my life which is so cool. I LOVE to shop but most of all I love to make money. Well I'll write about this in a few weeks and see how everything is going. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Crayola twistables vs Cra-z-art Twist up Colored Pencils

These are my new favorite budget colored pencils!!! These cra-z-art pencils are better than the crayola twistables!! ( in my opinion) let me tell you why... so the crayolas are nice but when they dont lay down color smothly, and also as you color some of the lead isnt used and it forms half moon shaped crumbs. Also something I have noticed with the crayolas is that the twist up part gets so easy to twist up that when you press down harder on the lead the lead goes back into the barrel. Now I have not had the crazarts as long as the crayolas but in the time I have had the not one has done that. There are about four crayolas I have had to tape up the part you twist to be able to use thw colors. I do not like that! The crayolas don't blend as nicely as the crazart twist ups. The only thing thats better about the crayolas is that they have more colors (30). The crazarts are $4.83 for 24 and crayolas are 6.99 for 30. Crazarts are smoother to lay down color easier to blend and don't shead nearly as much. I hope my review helps, Thanks !!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

What's your high and what's your low???

I'm not sure why I was thinking about this but it has to do with me being single. So i was pondering if I look for a mate what age would I look for? I settle in I would be ok with some who was ten years older than me. So that would be 46 but only of they looked my age and I would be ok with someone who was 26 but he would have to be mature for his age. You know someone who at least has what I have.or more...not because I'm interested in their money but because it should maturity. What about you? What's your high and what's your low?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

You know this one person infront of you is lying, do you confront them or let them continue?

It depends on the situation. Ok so if its at work I can't  be mean even if I know for sure the customer is lying. But let's say I'm dating someone and I know they are lying that just makes me angry and I might just tell them like it is. Maybe that's why I'm Then again if I know their motivation maybe I'll be nice and just not raise my voice but still say I think they are lying.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


So that last book I know the one I just did a review on. There was something it touched on which started me thinking about reencarnation. So she talks about one case where there was this person who was born sick. They went to a healer and was not selected to be healed. Someone was angry that they were healed and the explanation that was given was that in a past life they were a judge and they gave out rough sentances so in this life time they were paying for it and they had to know what suffering was. So that let me to look up the religions that believe in reencarnation. I am now reading a book a book buddisum. It's so funny how my brain works. It just thinks of one thing then it goes on a knowledge quest to find I'm not sure what...but that's how life is for me...anyways I though I would share my next learning phase. Hopefully I can quench the thirst for this subject soon...cuz I don't want to go completely down this rabbit

Monday, August 1, 2016

My next vacation

Man I'm so ready...but I already know its not gonna be an expensive place. I might not even go out of town...I committed to paying off bills. Maybe next year Ill have an amazing vacation. Well anytime I'm not at work, its a  good day...but I really wanted a tropical beach vacation. Maybe if the buget allows an all inclusive. We'll see but Im ready, its my wallet that's How about you? What's your next vacation destination????

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Road trip

I used to go on road trips a lot. They were for only a few hours. So today I went to see a small town to check up the beach hoping it woukd be nicer than Galveston. IDK what do you think?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Panhandelers...what's your stance?

Whag do you guys think about the people who stand out in the street asking for money? Lately I noticed more and more of them. Ok so I used to give them money I thought ok one dollar isn't much, right? But then multiple things happened. Like there is this one on a very popular street corner that like to "clean" people's windshields. I told him no once and he used the squggie to him my back window of my car. WTF? Then I heard about this one guy that panhandles but he goes home to a mantion. I think one of my teachers to me that...Moreover my coworker says his dad went to give mcdonalds to one and the panhandeler threw the food back at him because he wanted money instead. I mean now I just don't know if giving them my hard earned money is what I need to be doing...I mean who is to say they are not using it get high or to buy alcohol anyways? I don't give anyone anymore but now I also think about why are they standing on the street corner? Its more than 100 degrees outside and wouldn't it be easier to get a job? IDK...what do you guys think, I'm I being a hard ass or not?

Friday, July 29, 2016

write about a ship that can take you to a place far from where you are now...

I would love to be going on a cruise...the best cruise I ever took was on the Carnival Magic. It was so much fin! All the people I sat with at dinner were amazing. I meet people at the bar and all over the ship really they were all amazing. I loved the water... on the ship. Sometimes you can get on a ship and all the water from the fountains can taste funny but the water from that ship I loved. This lady from my table gave me an excursion for free because she already had one fore that day. I meet a really handsome dude. I loved that ship! It has a small water park on it and a mini golf course and I believe it's called a sky course which I did get on. That ship was really Magical...I wish I was on it now...talking me to Mexico or Honduras like it did years ago...

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Book review Sacred contracts by Caroline Myss

So I read this book and its really intresting. It talks about how in our life we have contracts with people. She says that before we were born we made contracts with souls for events in our life. She talks about how sometimes in our life we have things that happen to us and at the time we think thats its a horrible thing. She says but later we find out that that event was actually the best thing that could have happned. I found out that to be true for me when I got shot. It was HORRIBLE. But now looking back if I had not hone through it I wouldn't be as independent as I am today. So in the end GOD made it right. That was my mistake not giving up my purse because I got so angry, but GOD made it right. I can imagine all the things Mrs. Myss is saying but Im not sure if I belive everything she says in the book. Its intresting to listen to but at one piont I was thought to myself how high do you have to be to come up with all these theories? So Im gonna give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Post five things that make you laugh out loud"

Things my dogs when Mclovin blows air out his snout cause he doesn't want to take a bath or do what my and I want him to do.
Things I have said to people. I'm really honest and sometimes the way I say things are funny. Like one time I told someone "It means exactly what it sounds like, its self explanatory. You like to waist my time don't you." ... looking back that was mean but I'm telling you he deserved it...that's why I thought it was funny.
Things that have happened to me are funny, like emabrassing the time I was so drunk I danced on a pole at tge club...fuck that wasn't cool at all but it happened and I can't change that I can only laugh about it.
Sometimes I remember scenes in movies and it makes me laugh like a scene from raod trip the movie when that skinny guy goes to eat at the pancake house and he sends the pancakes back then the cook puts the pancakes in his underwear and they take them back to him. When he puts them in his mouth and he says these are good. That always makes me laugh.
When I remember stuff people ask me like when someone asked me "Can I apply for a credit card to pay my overdraft at my bank? " I don't know how I didn't bust out laughing right there and then...

Monday, July 25, 2016


Ok so I will admit something...I don't like to watch the news. I feel it only shows the bad things and not enough good things. That doesn't mean I don't know whats going on I just know about it in a different way. I do flipboard. Anyways this morning I browsing it like I do most mornings. An article in the washinton post said that a woman was a this wildlife nature park where there are tigers and such. I saw her get out of the car, come around it and talk the other person on the other side of the car while she was doing that Im not sure if she saw but this tiger cam up and grabbed, dragged susequently taking her from reach of the camera and another tiger killed her. All these questions in my mild like : why oh why would you get out of the car? Did you not see the tigers around? Did you think they were cute and cuddly? No, no... now she's gone. Damn...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

"A letter to anyone"

I want you to know that I only hope that we get closer and closer. That I hope one day you say sorry for all the things you have done that were unfair. I hope one day we act like our relationship calls for. You were supposed to be my protector my example and even those formative years are gone I hope that in the future you begin to act more like what you are. In this year we have made advances in our relationship and I never thought we would ever make it here. If I would have know a dna test would have helped I would have asked for it sooner. But everything in due time, right?  I hope that we both help each other grow. I  need to work on forgiveness and you need to be more of a doer instead of a just a dreamer. I hope you help me with that and I hope I help you with being more grounded. I hope we get to a piont where we will be comfortable and proud in our roles, me as your daughter and you as my dad...

Saturday, July 23, 2016

"Three lessons you want your children to learn from you"

I probably have more than three...My openess. That is the way that my family is super open. There really isn't much my family and I aren't able to talk about. If god ever blesses me with kids I want them to be able to talk to me about anything. I don't want to be thier friend I want to be thier parent but I still them to know they can ask me anything and know that Ill give them the best advice. Fair advise not just cause thier my kids I'm always gonna be on thier side. If they are wrong Im gonna say it and say how they can fix it. I want them to be able to say I was wrong and this is how Im gonna fix it.  I want them to be my drive for knowledge. Even though I have not finished my college degree doesn't mean I'm not smart. If there is anything I'm intrested it I learn about about it all I can until I find out what I'm looking for. I want my kids to learn that from me. To pursue what intrests them. My honestly and loyalty. The friends I have I have had for a long time. I want my kids to be able to keep thier friends. To be loyal and cherish thier friendships. For them to be honest and know whats right and wrong but most of all to be able to learn from thier mistakes. Thats what I what them to know.

Friday, July 22, 2016

"Post three celebrity crushes"

1.Chris Evans, omg that man is so hot!!!
2. Colin Farrell...esta como
3. The guy from jane the virgin, Justin Baldoni...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

"Discuss your first love"

Really? Ok there isn't much to say. The first time we went out I was 17. I think he was really cute and he had a nice car. But he wanted something I wasn't gonna give. The second time we were just messing around and the last time I really fell in love with him. I was not repricated whether its was because he didn't really love me or whether it was because we weren't on the same page in life I will never know. But what I do know is that if it was meant to be it would have been any of the three times we tried. I know in my heart that I tried but I can't try for two people. You can't make someone love you and you can't make them respect you and be true if it's not their nature. I'm holding out for a man that loves me and if that never happends I'm have made up my mind I will still be happy. That's really it...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

"Post 30 facts about youself"

1. I was shot with a gun when I was 24 years old and almost died.
2. I been working at the same place for 13 years.
3. I bought my house at 29.
4. I have two sisters on my dad's side but Im not sure how many siblings on my mom's side.
5. I was adopted by my grandma when I was 1 month old.
6. I've never been married.
7. I have no kids.
8. I have 5 dogs.
9. I only have one ovary.
10. I had a tumor one of my ovaries.
11. Im not religious but Im very spiritual.
12. I'm very new age.
13. If I'm interested in something I look it up until I'm satisfied with the answer.
14. I can get a little obsessed with stuff.
15. I know a little about almost everything.
16. I know a lot of people but consider very few people my friends.
17. Im very loyal.
18. I believe God talks to me.
19. My mom is my best friend, followed by Maria and Judy.
20.My best friend and I know each other since we were 9 years old.
21.I have lived on three coast of this country.
22. I love water, pools, rivers, and lakes.
23. I love to try new things, hobbies , places to eat or to travel to.
24. I love comedy, comedy shows or waching comedians.
25. My favorite color is blue, all types- some blue greens and blue that fade into purples.
26. Im super honest.
27. Swearing is like another language I'm fluent in.
28.Im not sure if I ever want to get married.
29. Im convinced Im gonna be rich someday.
30. Im more than half way through a writing challenge...yay!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"Post about you zodiac sign and whether or not it fits you"

I'm supposed to be Aquarius. Accourding to pintrest I give people the silent treatment becuase if I then I can be really mean. That's true unfortunately. I read something else that says we are over thinkers, OMG ! Yess! Not for nothing thats why I had to take up meditation. I was thinking so much I couldn't get any I also read on a scale from 1 to 10 Aquarius people don't have a number they are This one pin say if an aquarius feels strongly about something or someone it becomes their addiction. Umm yeah, look at all the hobbies I have. The pencils thing was the most recent...@¥£* it is right! I liked the pin that says we don't  lie very well so we tell the truth all the time. Yep that's me! I can't keep lies straight so why even try? Tell the truth even if it hurts. It says aquarius people love to look at people's eyes, its their way of looking into their soul. Yes, I agree with that one too. At my job I do that a lot and sometimes I find people can't hold my eye sight, it drives me crazy. I feel I can't trust those people. Anyway, I guess I am a true aquarius. I'm cool with that.

Monday, July 18, 2016

"Something that I miss"

I'm not sure if I told you guys before but I think I have...I grew up with my brother Joe. Joe was a really good brother. He taught me a lot while I was growing up. Somethings good and somethings bad but all in all mostly good. He was the first person to introduce me to banna slits. He would make them for me. When it was the summer time he would take me to work with him and his boss would sit me down at a desk and give me paper and a pencil and I would draw all day long. Joe was very impulsive and he liked to drink  and smoke. These things were the bad but I didn't pick up smoking- drinking...well we all know I can knock a few down from time to time. I miss my brother. Don't think he is dead he just lives really far away. I talk to him a few times a week if he calls the house and I happen to pick up the phone. He lives in El Salvador because he got deported more than 10 years ago. He was a resident which means he had a green card and was living here legally but when you are a resident anything you do could back fire and they could take it way and you could be kicked out of the country. I can't really tell you what he did becauae my mom and I don't  really know why. I miss my brother...he taught me a lot of things like to play chess and a whole bunch of other things. One day I'm sure we will be close again.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

"Bullet point your whole day"

●wake up
●eat breakfast
● hang out with my parents
●eat lunch
●take a shower
●watch tv
●eat dinner
●watch more tv
●go to sleep
In my defence today was Sunday and I was tired from Saturday so today was a very lazy day.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

"Post your favorite movie you never get tired of watching"

I love the movie office space! I never thought I would say this but I hate my job almost as much as the prime character hates his job. The whole movie is so funny. The fact the guys he works with are funny. The one that has the same name as Michael Bolton! The two guys that go make the workers interview for thier own's just hilarious! At work when stuff gets stuck in the copy machine I always think of how those three guys bet up the machine. I think about how happy taking a bat to my machine at work would make me its just hilarious! It always makes me laugh. Thats one of my favorite movies...

Friday, July 15, 2016

"What are you excited about?"

I was excited about opening an Etsy shop becuase I thought t hat could be a way to make extra income. Which I have yet to actally start making. Its been a month and still nothing. And so now Im excited about blogging everyday, hoping I can grow my followers on my blog and start making money that way. I really want to work from home at some piont so those are small steps towards my goals.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Five blessings"

1. My mom , for all the reasons I have previously blogged about.
2. My health, I see people everyday that can't walk or can't do something. ..but I'm fortunate that God has me in good health.
3. My job. I know I complain about it all the time but really I'm fortunate to have a job that I'm able to pay all my bills and I'm able to travel.
4. My friends. The real friends I have, they have been with me for years and they are amazing!
5. The skills god gave me, I love to cook and color and write about my experiences in life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Something I always think "what if "about

I'm not gonna lie there are a lot of things I think "what if" what if my family would never have left our country, what if there wasn't a cival war? Where would I be ? Would I be married? Would I have kids ? Would I have gotten a degree? Would I still be living in El Salvador?  So many many possibilities...its like one question leads to another and its just pointless. Because I believe in God and I believe He has a plan, I also believe His plan is and always will be better than mine. Like I have written before...God directs my path. Sometimes there have been times where I thought that he had abandoned me because ugly things have happened to me ( like when I was shot). Yes, that was hell! I had many surgeries and many scars and it hurt like no other pain I have ever had BUT God didn't let me die. God let me live and go back to work and get a promotion...and I wouldnt be where I am if it weren't for what I went through. So yeah there are times that think what if?... but I don't linger on those thoughts too much... becuase it's just an unessesary rabit whole I don't need to dwell in. It's better to concentrate on my goals and try to do things to get me there. Let God continue to guide me in the right direction.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"Post some words of wisdom that speak to you"

Well first of all there are many many that ring true to me. But right now I can think of one that one of my college teachers taught me...she said make sure that when you leave the house you kiss and hug yhe person you love even if you are mad because you just never know. I know someone personally that she was mad at her dad for some stupid reason. She didn't want to speak to him and when there was a chance to and missed the opportunity to fix things. He died in an car accident and she always regreted talking to him a few daus before he passed. I always leave the house in the morning before I go to work by kissing and hugging my mom. Becuase no matter what disagreements we may have nothing will between us, and everything can be compramised. And if it can't we can always say we agree to disagree, right? Something I like as well is don't do any thing to someone you won't anyone to do to you. That's just common curtacy.

Monday, July 11, 2016

"Share something you struggle with"

I struggle with A LOT of let me try to keep the list as short as possible.
1. Procrastination
2. Forgiveness
3. Romantic relationships
4. Sticking with one hobby
5.  Exercise
Thats all I remember right now ...isn't that a lot?

Sunday, July 10, 2016

" 10 songs I'm loving right now"

I will have to preface with since I got spotify a few months ago I don't listen to the radio as much anymore so the songs I'm listening to now are mostly old school.
10.) Snap yo fingers
9.) Cake by the ocean
8.) Perdoname
7.) When the funk drops
6.) Get your freak on
5.) Front back and side to side
4.) Freaks of the industry
3.) The humpy dance
2.) Ghetto d
1.) Mr. Big

Saturday, July 9, 2016

"Five ways to win my heart"

1. Make me laugh
2. Be yourself, sincere, honest
3. Spend time with me (my love language is quality time, baby)
4. Listen
5. Be willing to try new things.

Friday, July 8, 2016

"List 5 plaves You want to visit"

1.) Paris , France
2.) Cairo , Egypt
3.) Sydney, Australia
4.) Rio DeJaneiro, Brazil
5.) Madrid, Spain

Thursday, July 7, 2016

"Write about someone who inspires you"

Its might sound like a cliche but my mom inspires me. (Remember that my gransmother on my dad's side adopted me when I was one month old). Ok so when she was growing up they really didn't have much. She said my great grandpa once in a while would gift them 5 cents. She said they didn't wear shoes around the house. They only wore their shoes when they went to school. I say they meaning her and her two other siblings. My mom never finished high school much less college. She left home because she ran away to be with my grandpa at the age of 16, if I recall correctly. She had two kids and then found herself seperated with no skills. My grandpa took the oldest child from her and she was to take care of the other one ( my dad ) with practically no child support. I think she said he gave her like 30 colones a month. El salvador converted to dollars a long time ago but when they still had colones you needed 8 to make one dollar. Since my mom didn't have much education she managed to get jobs working as a maid.After a series of events she had another baby and she also meet someone who ended up being instrumental in our family's well being. As it turns out that she went from being a maid for this lady that had this motel to the owner. The lady told her that she wasn't making ends meet so she would sell her the business. My mom accepted. She had to go through a learning curve but she workerd harder than she ever had before. She learned to save and by the time I was born had done great things. She had six employees.  She had helped her family as in her sister with her kids. She had three houses. She put my oldest brother Henry and his wife through college. She was a pillar of the community. She even adopted a little girl someone left at her hotel. Her life reads like a soap opera. She is really an amazing person. But her strengths don't  end there. In her early forties she decided that since the cival war in El Salvador was too dangerous we had to move to the U.S. We move and start all over- no houses, no cars, no money, she doesn't even speak the language. But she knows how to save and she knows how to clean. As I grew up here in Houston I know we didn't  have much but I also know there were other people that had less than we did. I can't  say I had everything while I was growing up but maybe that was a good thing. Not having it all made me work for what I have today. I have a good job and I have a big house and I have my car and things I need. I been able to travel-one of my dreams was to go to Rome and I got to do that in 2006. My mom inspires me. Her life is testiment of what you can do if you work hard. She is amazing and that's the reason that it makes me happy to make her happy. I want her to be proud of me and know that I am who I am because of her advise, guidance and love. I'm so greatful that God gave me the mom he did but without her I don't know who or what I would be.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

"List Three of your pet peeves"

1.) When someone asks me a question but when I try to answer, they cut me off. I absolutely hate that shit!!
2.) When I text someone and I don't get a responce.
3.) When people say they are gonna do something and they don't without a valid reason not to.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Write something someone told me I never forgot"

Back in high school one of my favorite subjects was English. My 12th grade English teacher once made everyone do this which come to think of was really really sweet. So she made everyone write one word about everyone else on a peice of paper. So she went home collected everyone's words and the next day delivered this little paper with all these descriptive words for you. Of course she only wrote the good words down. I have always loved that. My paper was filled with shys and quiets but one word stood out, that word was pretty...I think that was so sweet of someone to say. I never found out who said it but I thought that was cool. I think I still have that peice of paper somewhere...

Monday, July 4, 2016

"10 things that make me happy"

1) Making my mom happy.
2) Being able to pay my bills, being able to put food on the table, and keep a roof over me and my mom's head.
3). On my days off doing nothing.
4). Traveling.
5). Listening to music.
6). Reading a really good book.
7). My doggies
8). Being able to do new things/ my hobbies
9). Giving good advise.
10). Hanging out with my friends.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Im late...

I know menu Monday was two days ago but I'm off today and I had bought all this stuff to make it. Its chicken pho, I put a little baby bok choy in it also. I know when ever I been to Vietnamese restaurants I never seen that but I thought I would add more veggies. Like everything else I try to make I gotta get it how I like it to give the recipe...but for now it's pretty good. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

HEBUDDY colored pencil review

So as I mentioned prior I'm obsessed with coloring and colored pencils. I wanted to find out if these might be any good. I bought them ay HEB which is my local grocery store. When I saw them I was like wow HEB has their own brand of pencils...?? Of course I had to try them. They were super affordable! Ok so when I got home I used them but unfortunately I did not like them. They were too hard and didnt blend well but as far as giving to your kids to color they would be just fine. For aduld coloring not so.much in my opinion.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Some of my work....

I dont know why I stopped coloring...but Im glad Im started back up again!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Where I been...

So Im not even sure how I got to it but I been into coloing books. Coloring my little heart out, so everyday afterwork I go home and color. It rexales me and I have fun doing it. So I went crazy at five below and I bought a whole bunch of coloring books so much so that I dont think in one life time I could color...anyways I will post some of my works of art later but thats what I been doing. I have even thought about making an ebook coloring book of the pictures I have taken on my travels. That might be something I might be doing with the help of Carlos.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

New addition...

So my sister, Claudia had her baby on Friday. His name is Lincoln and he is precious. You know how there are- for the lack of a bettet word...ugly babies? Well not for nothing but this one is soo cute. He's not peeling or anything. Anyways I'm speanding my firsy vacation of the year here in San Antonio but going back and forth to her house to help her out. Mostly because I want to be closer to the family. I guess the older I get the more time seems to be getting more precious. I want to be closer to them and I want to learn things I never knew how to do. It's funny but Im learning how to be a mom from my little sister. Obviously I learned what I know now from my mom but I never seen the baby stuff. And since I might one day need to know goes almost a week of intensive training. Ill let you know if I discover anything in the process. But mostly this has taught me so far is that it's hard work but then I seen that with Maria. I'm not allowed to post a picture of the baby so I won't but trust me hes is CUTE. Anyways I'm out for now, but Ill write later in the week to give you an update.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Paying it forward

So a long long time ago I was dating this guy, we will call him Robert. At that time God had delivered me from one of my health scares and I was really looking to get closer to God. For a long long time I had been watching Joel Osteen on tv and wanted to go to lakewood but had never gone. I didnt know anyone who went there and since it was so big I did not want to go alone. So when Robert told me he went there and that he would take me I was more than happy to go with him. I will always thank God for letting me meet Robert because he was the person to lead me to Lakewood. Even though nothing romantic came of our dating something important did came out of our friendship. I came to give my life to the Lord because of him and I will forever be gratefull for that. It has come to my attention that I have become someone elses Robert. I am glad that I was able to help someone in the way Robert helped me. I know that there are a lot of people that say that they do not like Lakewood church or Joel Osteen but I love my chruch. I have grown so much in the ten years I have gone there. There will be a blog that will write or maybe a vlog that I will do more about my experience at Lakewood but for now just know that I am glad that I was able to pay it forward.
