Saturday, June 3, 2017

Stopping the cycle...

So there isn't anything I believe in more than the that God has his plans. I have seen in in my life so many many times, I write about it all the time. These past few years his plan in my life was let me discover the bigger picture and to come to terms with his plan for my life. Part of that has already happened. I read a book once ( I forgot the name of it,Sorry ) that said that if you don't discover your own issues and over come them they will keep on repeating the same things over and over again. It's not until you come to terms with the pain about what happened then your life with keep on taking that same path. Sometimes it's a stand still. For me that was what happening. I was choosing the wrong people because I didn't see my own value. Yes I grew up with no Dad because he didn't want to acknowledge I was his kid. My mom was always telling my I was special but I guess maybe I didn't believe it. As time has gone on and I have matured I have come to realize that my mom was right. Not to be so stuck up but I'm a really good friend to people I have a tight network of people that I have in my life and I would do anything for. For a while now I have been on this hunt  to "heal" my own heart or soul. To come to terms with some of the stuff that was holding me hostage. I wasn't making good decisions in my love life. Frankly at first it was because I didn't know something was wrong. I didn't know why I always had the same thing happen. Then it was because I didn't know how to fix it. I have come to terms with so much. I'm moving forward and so happy with that part of my life now. I feel like now I can evaluate and see from far away the red flags so much faster now. It's frankly I wish I would have has this skill in my 20's. But God has his plan and all I have to do is to trust that it's way better than anything I could ever come up with. I guess what I'm saying is that I feel ready for the next part of my life. The part where he guides me to tell me what it is I'm supposed to be doing with my life. I wonder how many books I'm gonna have to read to figure that