Wednesday, February 24, 2016

New addition...

So my sister, Claudia had her baby on Friday. His name is Lincoln and he is precious. You know how there are- for the lack of a bettet word...ugly babies? Well not for nothing but this one is soo cute. He's not peeling or anything. Anyways I'm speanding my firsy vacation of the year here in San Antonio but going back and forth to her house to help her out. Mostly because I want to be closer to the family. I guess the older I get the more time seems to be getting more precious. I want to be closer to them and I want to learn things I never knew how to do. It's funny but Im learning how to be a mom from my little sister. Obviously I learned what I know now from my mom but I never seen the baby stuff. And since I might one day need to know goes almost a week of intensive training. Ill let you know if I discover anything in the process. But mostly this has taught me so far is that it's hard work but then I seen that with Maria. I'm not allowed to post a picture of the baby so I won't but trust me hes is CUTE. Anyways I'm out for now, but Ill write later in the week to give you an update.

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