Wednesday, April 10, 2019

It's been 15 years...

It's that time of year again when I give thanks to God that I'm alive. I also try to justify my life was worth saving...So this year has really been interesting. If you would have told me a year ago I would have no job and still be happy I would have told you you're are crazy. So this year I quit my job of 16 years. Something I never thought I would do but honestly I just thought I was wasting my time there. And let's be clear, this time we have on earth is limited. I couldn't just be wasting it somewhere I was miserable. So I had to trust in God that he would lead me to do something more aligned with what He wants me to do. I'm still a little lost. I feel like I'm in the middle of a huge ocean but at least now I found a piece of drift wood to cling to until I find land. I remember that saying about how God never puts you through something you can not handle. I wanted to say that this year as I been here at home another plus to this whole leaving my job thing is that I been able to spend a lot of time with my mom. She is so funny and strong. I remember when I was in the hospital she never cried. Well I never saw her cry. I think about how I'm so fortunate to have her still and how God is keeping her healthy. Usually I have a deeper angle to all of this but honestly this year has been just time to be with God and hearing from Him. It's been about taking a leap of faith to show him that through thick and thin I'm gonna trust in Him to guide me to where he wants me to be and do what He wants me to do for His kingdom. And that is why he saved me from that gunshot. When I talk to Him I ask for guidance in every area of my life. And I know He answers me. I'm looking forward to this year and what it will bring me as I took the biggest leap of faith I have ever taken.

She loves snap chat!