Monday, July 25, 2011

Fat, sick and nearly dead

So I saw this movie on Netflix about a week ago. It's about this Australian guy in his late thirties or early forties. I'm sorry I didn't pay enough attention to his age but anyways. The point of the movie is that he is making a documentary about his journey of fasting on juice for 60 days. So basically he doesn't eat solid food for 60 days. When I first heard that I though this guy has to be nuts that can't be healthy. We as it turns out that he was pretty sick he had high blood pressure and this auto Immune disease  which at any moment could break him out in hives. Before he started this fasting he was taking a lot of medications for all this condition I think I recall him saying like 8 pills a day or something of the sort. Well for the first month he stayed in and around New York I think it was because he had to be supervised by his doctor. But the he began on this road try where he meet many people that he interviewed at random, telling them his story. Well as time in the movie progressed you could see what was happening to him he started losing weight in the first week. In any case the moral of the story was that I was inspired to do this too. OK not as extreme as this dude but I have been replacing at least one meal a day with juice. I put all kinds of fruits and veggies in it and drink it down. In the morning I have been having a sweet one of apples or oranges. And in the evening I have been having one with more tomatoes and veggies in it. One this I have began to notice is that I have less headaches. I used to never get them but more recent I was having to carry pills for it or some type of medication in my purse for it. But since the juicing less headaches in fact I think I only remember having one this week. Plus I feel I have more energy. That's always a plus. My mom says she sees a difference which I don't see it in my clothes yet but as I used to this more and more I know I will. I like this new kick I'm on. It's like I can feel that I'm getting more and more alert if that makes any sense. I went to the doctor recently and I don't think I got all of a good health report so I make this transition into a healthier life style I hope my body starts to catch up with what my mind already knows which is that it's time for a change and the faster I get there that happier I will be.

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